PomPom Sheep – Mum's Makery

PomPom Sheep

 PomPom Sheep

Sheep Template Set

To make the PomPom Sheep we just use the head shape from this template set.

Black Fibres

You will need some short fibres in black (or whatever colour you want the sheep head to be)

Gold & Silver Twine - Amazon - CLICK HERE

I always have these in my go to pouch, not just for Christmas but all year round. Perfect for making hanging things whatever the season.

Sparkly PomPoms

These are great little tinsel sparkle balls. Pack of 20

White Snowballs

These fake snowballs are great to have a fun indoor game with but also to turn in to some festive sheep. Pack of 20

Dougie Decor Set

Don't forget you can add a splash of festive cheer to your sheep with the hat from the Mini Festive Template set (aka the Dougie Decor set)


 Method : 

Make one sheep head per Sheep you want to make in whatever colour fibres you want - sheep head take around 0.3g of fibre. 

Glue the sheep head to your pompom and leave to dry

Using a darning needle thread some of the gold or silver cord and stitch through the centre of the pompom. Tying a knot underneath and having a loop of cord on the top. 

You could add some 4mm black eye or seed beads for eye if desired.